Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fun with SWAGs: What Will 14.2 Be?

One week in the books. I don't know about you, but I am once again shocked by the jump in competition from last year. I know personally I feel fitter than ever, but I find myself lower on the leaderboard than in past years (~780 in the Central East). It's tough seeing the top of the leaderboard get further and further away, but it's also reassuring that the sport is headed in the right direction. With 6,500+ men in the competition here in my region, only the absolute best of the best will even make it to Regionals. Marcus Hendren, top 10 in the Games the past two years, is currently outside the top 100 in his own region. This is where we are these days. For the rest of us, there's nothing to do but work hard to keep up.

Anyhow, let's move on. I may not qualify for Regionals, but I still have a chance to fulfill another lifelong dream: correctly predicting an Open workout the week beforehand. Last week, with basically nothing to go on, I wasn't particularly close, except for the 10-minute time domain. But I have a feeling is my week. NOW IS THE TIME.

OK, so let's get started. Let's assume that snatches and double-unders are off the table (even though half of the field probably used clean-and-jerks instead of snatches). Let's go ahead and assume they'll hold thrusters and pull-ups until the end again (although I really hope they don't). I also don't think they'll put cleans or jerks in this week, since they were an option in 14.1. That leaves us with the following movements on the table, in order of how much emphasis was put on them in the past: burpee, toes-to-bar, box jump, muscle-up, wall ball, deadlift, push-up, overhead squat.

Last week was a couplet with relatively light weights, so I'm going to assume this week will be a triplet with considerably heavier weights. As far as the time domain, it could really go either way, but let's go with... long?

Well, unfortunately I haven't really narrowed it down a whole lot. But that's never stopped me from going bold with a prediction before. Here goes:

AMRAP 15 of 10 bar-facing burpees, 10 overhead squats (115/75), 10 toes-to-bar

Zero percent chance that happens, of course. But let's see you try to do better. Post SWAGs to comments, and good luck on 14.2!


  1. I agree that the clean and jerks were a definite loop-hole for 14.1. I hope it does not completely eliminate clean and jerks for one of the remaining 2014 Open WODs, though I agree they will not program them this week.

    Going for a complete SWAG, let's try AMRAP 12 of 12 deadlift and 12 toes to bar, with the deadlifts increasing by 20# each round, starting at 115/95.

    1. I do think they will have another workout with increasing weights this year. Just not sure when or what movement.

  2. 12:00 AMRAP of 10 Deadlifts (185/125), 15 Over the bar burpees, 20 Wall Balls

  3. Mainsite has been almost no help either, the last few days haven't eliminated any "Open-eligible" movements....why won't they make this easy on us??!?!?

    1. Yeah I noticed that as well. There were deadlifts on Sunday, but that's plenty of time to recover before 14.2. I suppose we can count out rope climbs, ring dips and air squats?

    2. A lot of burpees on the main site today......

    3. Yep, which likely wipes out my guess as well as Nick's.

  4. 17:00 AMRAP of 6 Push Press (115/75), 9 Hand Release Push-ups, 12 Box Jumps (24")

    1. Damn I really like that guess, push-ups would absolutely give out on me but be fun.

  5. Mine:
    18 min AMRAP
    9 deads 155
    12 T2B
    15 wall balls

  6. a throwback to 11.2 but without the controversial push up (I don't think we'll ever see push ups in the Open after 11.2 b/c of the amount of snaking and less-than-straight plank positions)

    15 min AMRAP:
    9 deadlifts, 155/100
    12 toes to bar
    15 burpee box jumps or box jump-overs

    1. I hope so. They need to keep those hard-to-judge movements out of the Open. Same with the super-light deadlifts from last year. I think 155 is sufficiently heavy to slow people down and make it easier to judge.

  7. We'll we all suck at predicting
